Delegate Access: Never share login credentials

Never share your login info to grant someone access to your online account. many popular platforms offer a “Delegate Access” feature within their settings. This feature allows you to grant limited access to your account to another person without revealing your login credentials.

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Kidfluencing: The Digital Dilemma of Child Fame, Privacy, and Rights

In today’s digital world, the phenomenon of “kidfluencing” has emerged. It involves children seeking to attract followers and gain fame and income by sharing images and videos of their personal lives on social media, either by themselves or through their parents. On one hand, the allure of fame and fortune draws both parents and sometimes […]

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The Lasting Impact of Sharing Children’s Lives Online

Think Before You Post!!!!!!!!!!! Children, unwittingly, become victims of their parents sharing videos or images of them online. There might come a time when, upon reaching the legal age and becoming more aware of privacy issues concerning personal information, they may find themselves unhappy with these past actions. By then, unfortunately, there’s not much they […]

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